Withdrawing from all classes (complete withdrawal)
Prior to the official end of the add/drop period, students may drop all classes online through Goldlink Registration (Add or Drop Classes option). After the add/drop period is over, students may drop all classes online through Goldlink (Complete Withdrawal Form). The effective date of withdrawal will be the date on which the written notification is received by the Registrar’s Office. A complete withdrawal may also be submitted in writing to the Registrar’s Office, Eder 102, (include name, student i.d. number, last date of attendance, signature and contact information).

Refer to the chart below for relevant transcript activity deadline dates for the current semester. Since an honorable withdrawal is ordinarily required for transfer from one college to another, a student should not discontinue his or her college work without formal withdrawal. Students cannot drop completed classes.

Students completely withdrawing from school will receive a refund of tuition and fees assessed, based upon the current semester’s withdrawal refund schedule. Withdrawal refunds are computed based upon the date the Registrar’s Office receives the completed/correctly executed withdrawal form. Withdrawal computations are not effective the date the student stops attending classes. The refund must be claimed during the semester in which the refund applies. Students receiving financial assistance may be required to pay back all or a portion of funds received according to Federal/State regulation(s) or institutional policies. Financial Aid Exit Counseling is required to be completed within 30 days of withdrawal. Failure to complete Exit Counseling will result in a hold on the student’s academic transcript and will prevent future registration in classes.

Course drop and withdrawal
Registered students may drop or withdraw from a class online through Goldlink Registration (Add or Drop Classes option during the add/drop period or Course Withdrawal Form after the add/drop period is over). A drop/withdrawal may also be completed by visiting the Registrar’s Office, Eder 102. Students dropping or withdrawing from a course will receive a refund of tuition and fees assessed, based upon the current semester’s drop/withdrawal refund schedule. Refer to the chart below for the current term’s refund schedule and here for a complete registration schedule. Additional information about refunds should be directed to the Business Office in Eder 104.


Course and Complete Withdrawal Schedule Full Semester  First Session Second Session
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 100% refund
No transcript entry
Through January 27 until 4:30 p.m. Through January 22 Through March 11
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 75% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
January 28-31 January 23-27 until 4:30 p.m. March 12-14
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 50% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
February 1-7 January 28-29 March 15-19
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 25% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
February 8-14 January 30-31 Marcy 20-21
Course(s) or University withdrawal, no refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
February 15-April 4 February 1-19 March 22-April 16

Off-Schedule, first session and second session classes do not begin and/or end according to traditionally defined term dates. Dates for adding, dropping and withdrawing, as well as applicable refund dates are determined by the start and end date of the class. More information on term dates/deadlines can be found here or by contacting the Registrar’s Office or Business Office.

SUMMER 2025 

Course and Complete Withdrawal Schedule 8 Week Classes  First Four-Week Classes Second Four-Week Classes
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 100% refund
No transcript entry
Through May 28 until 4:30 p.m. Through May 27 Through June 23
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 75% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
May 29-June 2 May 28-29 June 24-25
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 50% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
June 3-5 May 30-June 1 June 26-27
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 25% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
June 6-9 June 2 June 28-29
Course(s) or University withdrawal, no refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
June 10-26 June 3-12 June 30-July 10

Off-Schedule, first session and second session classes do not begin and/or end according to traditionally defined term dates. Dates for adding, dropping and withdrawing, as well as applicable refund dates are determined by the start and end date of the class. More information on term dates/deadlines can be found here or by contacting the Registrar’s Office or Business Office.

FALL 2025 

Course and Complete Withdrawal Schedule Full Semester  First Session Second Session
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 100% refund
No transcript entry
Through August 29 until 4:30 p.m. Through August 26 Through October 14
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 75% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
August 30-September 5 August 27-29 until 4:30 p.m. October 15-17
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 50% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
September 6-12 August 30-September 3 October 18-22
Course(s) or University withdrawal, 25% refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
September 13-19 September 4-5 October 23-24
Course(s) or University withdrawal, no refund
“W” (Withdrawn) recorded on transcript
September 20-October 31 September 6-24 October 25-November 12

Off-Schedule, first session and second session classes do not begin and/or end according to traditionally defined term dates. Dates for adding, dropping and withdrawing, as well as applicable refund dates are determined by the start and end date of the class. More information on term dates/deadlines can be found here or by contacting the Registrar’s Office or Business Office.