What is Embedded Tutoring?

  • Embedded Tutoring is an interactive, hands-on approach to academic support that meets students in real time in the classroom. As a peer-led support, Embedded Tutors are former students who have taken the class before and now are available to students in the class. These tutors will regularly attend class and provide and lead collaborative learning opportunities to pair with the main course offerings.

Is Embedded Tutoring Different than Supplemental Instruction?

  • Embedded Tutors and Supplemental Instruction are different, although both are led by students. SI meets outside of the classroom on a regular, weekly basis. Embedded Tutoring is incorporated into the course meeting time.


Embedded Tutors Do

Attend classes and connect with students

Provide in-class presentations and interactive learning opportunities

Create/distribute additional instructional materials of a supplementary nature

Offer 1:1 or group tutoring options for students outside of class

Meet and plan with partner faculty

Embedded Tutors Don’t

Teach/lead new content in class

Grade or create tests, quizzes, or other assessment material

Enforce classroom management strategies

Act as a Teaching Assistant to faculty

Faculty: Request an Embedded Tutor

If you feel your course would benefit from an Embedded Tutor, please fill out the below form.