If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, (816) 271-4524.

If the course for which you need a tutor is NOT  listed, you can request a tutor by calling 816-271-4524 or filling out the Content Tutor Request form here. As we search and hire a tutor, there will be a gap (up to two weeks) between your request and finding and training the tutor. If you need immediate assistance, please visit your professor during office hours.

If you have questions about the process, please reach out to Ben Moran, Tutoring Coordinator at (816) 271-4531 or bmoran4@missouriwestern.edu.

Allied Health

ALH 106 - Medical Terminology
Morgan Cox


BIO 101 - Principles of Biology
Morgan Cox
BIO 250 - Anatomy and Physiology
Morgan Cox
Cristina Granero Boj
BIO 375 - Pathophysiology
Morgan Cox


COM 104 - Oral Communication
Patty Lashbrook

Criminal Justice

CRJ 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
Allaina Mace

Exercise Science

EXS 303 - Kinesiology
Mariana Casadiego Morales
EXS 304 - Physiology of Exercise
Mariana Casadiego Morales


HIS 140 - American History to 1865
Allaina Mace


PSY 101 - General Psychology
Allaina Mace


SOC 110 - Introduction to Sociology
Allaina Mace