- Seniors/Identified groups/Graduate students (90 credit hours or more)
- Monday, October 14 (7 a.m.)
- Juniors (60-90 credit hours)
- Thursday, October 17 (7 a.m.)
- Sophomores (30-59 credit hours)
- Monday, October 21 (7 a.m.)
- Freshmen (less than 30 credit hours)
- Wednesday, October 23 (7 a.m.)
- Transfer and Returning Students
- Monday, November 11 (7 a.m.)
- Spring Registration for Non-Degree and Self-Enrichment Students
- Monday, November 18 (7 a.m.)
Reminder: Freshmen, sophomores, student-athletes, international students, and students on academic probation will need to receive an Alternate PIN from their advisor before registering for classes.
You do need to receive an Alternate PIN from your academic advisor to register for classes if you are:
- a freshman
- a sophomore
- on academic probation
- a student-athlete
- an international student
To receive your Alternate PIN, set up a meeting with your academic advisor to discuss next semester’s schedule and your four-year plan.
You do not need an Alternate PIN to register for classes if you are:
- a junior in good academic standing
- a senior in good academic standing
- a graduate student in good academic standing
We still recommend you meet with your academic advisor for guidance on course registration and questions regarding major completion.
To determine your advisor, take the following steps:
- Log into Goldlink
- Find the Student Academic Resources & Tools card
- Click on My Student Profile
You should plan to meet your advisor in October (Fall) and March (Spring) in advance of the date on which you are eligible to register.
Pro tip: It’s always a good idea to meet with your advisor each semester!
To determine if you have a hold on your account, take the following steps:
- Log into Goldlink
- Find the Student Academic Resources & Tools card
- Click on My Student Profile
- Click Hold in the upper right to determine your next course of action
To see what classes are offered next semester visit the Course Schedule here or via the menu on this page.
Contact the Student Success & Academic Advising Center at advisor@missouriwestern.edu or contact your Academic Advisor.
Remember to reach out using your Missouri Western email address.
Please visit the Registrar’s page for a full summer and fall registration calendar.