If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, (816) 271-4524.

If the course for which you need a tutor is NOT  listed, you can request a tutor by calling 816-271-4524 or filling out the Content Tutor Request form. As we search and hire a tutor, there will be a gap (up to two weeks) between your request and finding and training the tutor. If you need immediate assistance, please visit your professor during office hours.

If you have questions about the process, please reach out to Taylor Wagers at (816) 271-4531 or twagers@missouriwestern.edu.

Schedule Appointments on TracCloudTracCloud Instructions for Content Appointments


ACC 201 - Introductory Financial Accounting
Ally Hodges
Tiana Viers
ACC 202 - Introductory Managerial Accounting
Tiana Viers
ACC 330 - Intermediate Accounting I
Tiana Viers


ART 100 - Introduction to Art
Madelynn King
ART 129 - Design Software Applications
Alex Kessinger
Reagan Grass
ART 190 - Digital 3D Fundamentals
Alex Kessinger
ART 205 - Survey of Art History I
Alex Kessinger
ART 221 - Digital 3D Modeling
Alex Kessinger
ART 250 - Motion Graphics
Alex Kessinger
ART 255 - Survey of Art History II
Alex Kessinger


BIO 101 - Principles of Biology
Teagan Peters
BIO 105 - Principles of Organismal Biology
Maya Burnsides
BIO 106 - Principles of Cell Biology
Maya Burnsides
Maddie Jones
BIO 205 - Genetics
Maya Burnsides
BIO 250 - Anatomy and Physiology
Maya Burnsides
Cristina Granero Boj
Teagan Peters
BIO 251 - Medical and Public Health Microbiology
Zoe Bahr
Teagan Peters
BIO 375 - Pathophysiology
Abby Kinney

Construction Engineering Technology

CET 105 - Construction Materials
Fielding Trevino
CET 260 - Mechanics of Materials
Fielding Trevino


CHE 101 - Introductory Chemistry
Sam Brabham
CHE 111 - General Chemistry I
Sam Brabham
Adam Ducey
Maddie Jones
Mariana Casadiego Morales
CHE 120 - General Chemistry II with Qualitative Analysis
Sam Brabham
Adam Ducey
CHE 310 - Organic Chemistry I
Sam Brabham
Adam Ducey


CIN 100 - Introduction to Film
Blake Elder
CIN 130 - Digital Cinema Survey
Blake Elder
CIN 190 - Cinema Structure and Aesthetics
Blake Elder
CIN 335 - Cinematography
Blake Elder


COM 104 - Oral Communication
Alex Kessinger
Patty Lashbrook
COM 205 - Introduction to Mass Media
Patty Lashbrook
COM 210 - Presentational Communications
Kylee Leach


ECO 101 - Current Issues in the Economy
Fielding Trevino
ECO 261 - Principles of Microeconomics
Madelynn King

Exercise Science

EXS 101 - Fitness & Wellness
Ashley Finnarty
EXS 303 - Kinesiology
Mariana Casadiego Morales
EXS 393 - Measurements in Physical Education
Mariana Casadiego Morales
EXS 401 - Graded Exercise Testing
Mariana Casadiego Morales


FIN 301 - Financial Management
Tiana Viers
FIN 401 - Financial Management II
Shelby Dannegger

General Business

GBA 210 - Business Statistics I
Madelynn King


GEO 100 - World Geography
Leyton Furlong
GEO 160 - Physical Geography
Madalynn Jenkins


HIS 140 - American History to 1865
Kassie Caron
HIS 150 - American History since 1865
Leyton Furlong

Legal Assistant

LAT 101 - Introduction to Law
Kayla Beam


MGT 350 - Organizational Behavior
Madelynn King
MGT 416 - Production and Operations Management
Tiana Viers


MKT 301 - Principles of Marketing
Madelynn King


MUS 101 - Perspectives in Music
Madalynn Jenkins


NUR 302 - Intro to Standard-Based Nursing
Zoe Bahr
Anointed Chikunya
Cristina Granero Boj
Lauren Eiman
Haylee Rich
NUR 303 - Intro to Clinical Nursing
Zoe Bahr
Haylee Rich
NUR 306 - Holistic Assessment
Zoe Bahr
Lauren Eiman
Mary Hackler
Haylee Rich
NUR 307 - Nutrition in Nursing
Zoe Bahr
Haylee Rich
Michaela King
NUR 308 - Professional Concepts in Nursing
Cristina Granero Boj
NUR 314 - Quantitative Analysis
Zoe Bahr
Haylee Rich
Ashton Hartschen
NUR 334 - Pharmacology I
Zoe Bahr
Anointed Chikunya
Cristina Granero Boj
Mary Hackler
Haylee Rich
NUR 336 - Pharmacology II
Raegann Frankum
Ashton Hartschen
NUR 363 - Adult Health I
Raegann Frankum
Ashton Hartschen
NUR 422 - Adult Health II
Haylee Rich


PHL 230 - Ethics
Kaylea Fessler
PHL 231 - Healthcare Ethics
Teagan Peters
PHL 232 - Business Ethics
Kaylea Fessler


PHY 104 - Intro to Astronomy
Jessica Laws
PHY 110 - College Physics I
Mariana Casadiego Morales
Fielding Trevino

Physical Therapy Assistant

PTA 100 - Introduction to Physical Therapy
MacKenzie Krause
PTA 110 - Patient Care Skills
MacKenzie Krause
PTA 120 - Modalities
MacKenzie Krause
PTA 130 - Functional Anatomy
MacKenzie Krause
PTA 140 - Measurements and Procedures
MacKenzie Krause
PTA 165 - Principles of Therapeutic Exercise
MacKenzie Krause

Respiratory Therapy

RES 315 - Respiratory Diagnostic I
Winston Wolfe


SOC 110 - Introduction to Sociology
Mariana Casadiego Morales