Your MWSU Student Government Association has partnered with the St. Joseph Transit system to provide FREE bus rides to MWSU students.
In order to use this great service, you only have to show your MWSU ID as you enter the bus.
View the “Rider Guide“.
For more information about the St. Joseph Transit System, please visit their website by clicking here or you can contact them at (816) 233-6700.
Route Deviations
Instead of going to a bus stop, students can use the route deviation service. This is a curb-to-curb service, available for all students regardless of ability. There is an additional fee of 50 cents for each deviation. A minimum of 30 minutes advance notice is required to schedule a deviation, but more notice is better. Walk-on route deviations (where the student just asks the driver to make a deviation) are welcome. To make a reservation for a deviation, call 233-6700 or go to the online reservation system.
Bicycles are welcome on St. Joseph Transit. There are special bike racks mounted on the front of every bus which will securely hold two bikes. The racks are very easy to use. Simple instructions are printed on the racks. Don’t forget to take your bike with you when you leave! Motorized bikes, two-seated bicycles, and tricycles are not allowed. If the bike rack is full, you will have to wait for the next bus. Bikes are not allowed inside the bus.
MWSU Popplewell Bus Shelter

Going toward Chatsworth Apts & Hyvee
Board at :55 after the hour
Mon.-Fri: once an hour from 5:55 a.m. to 7:55 p.m.
Sat: 9:55 a.m., 11:55 a.m., 1:55 p.m., 3:55 p.m., 5:55 p.m.
MWSU Hearnes Bus Shelter

Going toward South Wal-Mart** & downtown
Board at :25 after the hour
Mon.-Fri: once an hour from 5:25 a.m. to 8:25 p.m.
Sat: 8:25 a.m., 10:25 a.m., 12:25 p.m., 2:25 p.m., 4:25 p.m., 6:25 p.m.
(**no Wal-Mart at 7:15 a.m. & 3:15 p.m. trips)
New Helpful Resource available from the St. Joseph Transit.
You can now track your bus in real-time using the app called Route Shout.
Download it today to save yourself some time waiting in the hot or cold waiting for your bus.

Bus Schedules
System Route & Stop Locations
Route 11 – St. Joseph Ave
Route 12 – Lovers Lane
Route 13 – Frederick
Route 14 – Faraon/Jules
Route 15 – Missouri Western
Route 16 – Industrial Park
Route 17 – Stockyards
Route 18 – King Hill
Route 18 – Elwood Expansion
Route 19 & 20 – Saturday Services
Route 21 – Saturday Services