The CAS provides trained peer tutors who are:
- Available to tutor math courses from Contemporary Problem Solving (MAT 110E) through Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (MAT 167)
- Experienced in explaining math concepts in general studies courses by assisting students in understanding concepts and working sample problems
- Hired only after being recommended by faculty
- Trained and certified through the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA)
Tutors are scheduled to assist with no more than three students at a time to ensure each student receives the attention they deserve. The CAS also provides handouts which cover specific math topics that have proven difficult for students in the past.
Spring 2025 Math Tutoring Schedule:
Monday: 8am-6pm
Tuesday: 9am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
Wednesday: 8am-6pm
Thursday: 9am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
Friday: 9am-3pm
Online Tutoring: Daily 6am-midnight
*Based on Tutor availability
Monday: 10am-5pm
Tuesday: 10am-12pm, 2pm-6pm
Wednesday: 12pm-6pm
Thursday: 2pm-6pm
Friday: 11am-1pm
Online Tutoring: Call for Availability
Monday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday: 8am-12pm, 2pm-4:30pm
Wednesday: 8am-6pm
Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-11am, 12pm-3pm
Online Tutoring: Daily 6am-midnight
*Based on Tutor availability
By Appointment Only: Call the CAS Front Desk at (816) 271-4131
Monday: 1pm-3pm
Tuesday: 8am-10am, 2pm-4:30pm
Wednesday: 1pm-2pm
Thursday: 8am-11:30am
Friday: 8am-11am
Online Tutoring: Daily 6am-midnight
*Based on Tutor availability
To schedule an in-person appointment with a Math Tutor call or stop by today!
Walk-ins are welcome for in person tutoring sessions, but appointments are required for online tutoring sessions.
Schedule an online appointment with a Math Tutor via TracCloud!
TracCloud allows you to search for and set up appointments based on your current course schedule as well as view any upcoming appointments you have with tutors in the CAS. You can also opt-in for text alerts for confirmations, cancellations, and appointment reminders for any tutoring appointments you make with a CAS tutor.
Log in with your Missouri Western username and password to start searching for appointments.
If you have any questions please contact the Director, Susan Garrison, at 816-271-4401.

Math Tutor
Major: Secondary Education
Class Rank: Sophomore

Math Tutor
Major: Construction Engineering Tech
Class Rank: Junior

Math Tutor
Major: Pre Law
Class Rank: Sophomore

Math Tutor
Major: Medical Lab Science
Class Rank: Sophomore

Math Tutor
Major: Exercise Science & Sports Fitness Management
Class Rank: Senior

Math Tutor
Major: Recreation Sport Management
Class Rank: Freshman

Math Tutor
Major: Nursing
Class Rank: Freshman

Math Tutor
Major: Digital Animation
Class Rank: Sophomore
MATH LINKS – Correlates to some textbooks for example problems
MyMathLab – Used in some courses; correlates with the textbook
Learning Express Library – Various subject practice and test practice (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, Placement Tests, etc.)
Mathbits – Free Printable Graph Paper – Free online graphing calculator
Google Graphing – Type the word graph with an equation in google search, and the first result will be an interactive graph of the function. Example: graph y = 2x + 1
KhanAcademy – Video lessons for various math topics and other subjects as well
Virtual Nerd – Video lessons for various math topics
WolframAlpha – Answers your math questions
MIT OpenCourseware – Video lectures from MIT professors; Calculus I and above; other courses also – Video lessons for various math courses – Video lessons for various math courses
Virtual Math Lab @ West Texas A & M – Various math video lessons and tutorials – Complete course videos and lessons
Free Tutoring for Military and their Families – Free web based tutoring for military families